The ultimate failure of a once Internet giant

My first-hand experience so far (been here exactly 1 year):

1. Slow in response (email, in person)

2. Slow in action (e.g. It took 3 days to change a directory permission so I could read it)

3. Incapable managers

3. Never know how to read emails (immediate reply asks questions which was clearly answered in my last email)

4. Global distribution of teams. (no accountability. they can totally disappear for days without making any progress. and when they come back, no.3 happens)

How fast node responds to concurrent http requests

Disclaimer: people have done this a million times but I just wanted to see it myself.

One of the merits of node.js that people keep talking about is it scales really well under the pressure when there’s a large number of users using the service at the same time. Let’s examine the validity of this witness today:

I’ve built a small website using Node.js + sqlite, with some in-house caching. For the testing request, there are 4 SQL Select requests. The database file is fairly light-weighted with less than 1 million records and the queried columns are indexed as well. But in theory all this shouldn’t matter as long as the same url has been visited, all those DB results are cached and no more DB access is needed.

I used ‘ab’ for concurrent tests and below is the result:

concurrency = 1 to 100



#request from 100 to 1000



Apparently node.js handles multiple requests pretty well until concurrency exceeds 15 for my hardware

EMFILE error in node.js

This usually happens when we asynchronously operate on a large number of files in Node.js and due to the async nature of Node.js many files are open at the same time. See explanation at

Two solutions: 1) use sync version of readFile. so each file is closed before proceeding to next 2) use callback function for reading next file, something like

function readFile(files, i) {
  if(i>=files.length) return;
  fs.readFile(path+'/'+files[i], 'utf8', function (err,data) {
    if (err) {
      return console.log(err);
    parse(data, function(result){

fs.readdir(path, function(err, files) {

Load data in NumPy

We are given some data, and we want to apply some machine learning do it (classification, clustering, etc.) To do that we need to load data to NumPy’s arrays.

I browsed through NumPy’s examples and APIs and, while there are batch loading methods (load whole file into an array), there’s no method to appending a row just like Python’s built-in list does. Why?

Because NumPy’s after efficiency and performance. But to dynamically allocate space and move data around is very time-consuming. So NumPy allocates all the space beforehand.


install scipy/numpy on Linux

Scipy: You can try ‘yum install’. But I dont know where the installed lib went and I cant import it in my python script. Had to install from source.

You need a fortran compiler. I used yum and installed gfortran44.

Then install BLAS. So far this one been helpful:

On 64-bit env, dont forget to add -fPIC -m64 to to fortan’s opts.

to run build Scipy, run ‘python build’. If it complained about not finding fortran compiler, do a symbolic link to your favorite fortran compiler. e.g. sudo lnk -s /usr/bin/gfortran44 /usr/bin/gfortran then I was able to finish compiling

This link may also be helpful: