How fast node responds to concurrent http requests

Disclaimer: people have done this a million times but I just wanted to see it myself.

One of the merits of node.js that people keep talking about is it scales really well under the pressure when there’s a large number of users using the service at the same time. Let’s examine the validity of this witness today:

I’ve built a small website using Node.js + sqlite, with some in-house caching. For the testing request, there are 4 SQL Select requests. The database file is fairly light-weighted with less than 1 million records and the queried columns are indexed as well. But in theory all this shouldn’t matter as long as the same url has been visited, all those DB results are cached and no more DB access is needed.

I used ‘ab’ for concurrent tests and below is the result:

concurrency = 1 to 100



#request from 100 to 1000



Apparently node.js handles multiple requests pretty well until concurrency exceeds 15 for my hardware